Scanning and Skimming

Hi readers ^-^
If in the previous article I discussed the material "previewing", this time I will share my experience about learning scanning and skimming material in reading techniques that I got in the reading and writing course. To find the main idea and important information in a text or reading, of course there is a quick way, namely by scanning and skimming techniques. What do the two techniques mean? Let's discuss!

The definition of scanning is where the reader only reads and looks for specific information from a reading text rather than reading the entire text. The purpose of scanning is to look for specific facts or gist, such as looking for dates in a book, looking for facts, looking for information we need if we only have limited time, looking for an overview of the theme in the book. Another application of using scanning techniques is when reading book indexes, looking for someone's phone number in cellphone contacts.

Surely you are asking how to apply this scanning right? Below is how to apply scanning in reading:

1. Identify the text that you only want to read.

2. Look for a general description of the purpose of the text.

3. Scan the text with your eyes moving quickly from top to bottom in reading.

4. After finding an important phrase or word, stop reading.

Meanwhile, skimming is a reading technique used to find an overview of a text or reading. Similar to scanning, skimming also does not need to read the entire text in detail. Skimming aims to find the author's purpose, main topic, and key points. We can apply skimming techniques in a book or article, and online news. In general, scanning and skimming techniques are almost the same, but when asked about the difference?

The main differences are:

1. Scanning focuses on finding specific things and answers to certain questions from a passage, while skimming focuses on finding an overview.

2. Skimming looks quickly at key passages or important points without reading every word, whereas scanning involves quick eye movements to look for specific information.

3. Usually scanning is also related to IT.

So that's a glimpse of scanning and skimming material that I can share from my experience learning this material. Hopefully it can be useful for you readers ^-^ let's apply these two techniques if you are lazy to read the whole long text like me!

Thank you and see you in the next article ^-^
