Making Inferences in Paragraph

In understanding a passage or paragraph we need to look for background and remember our experiences related to the main idea of the author. This time I will discuss about "Making Inferences" What does that sentence mean? Let's discuss it!

So, making inferences is making observations and looking for the background of a reading to reach a logical and factual conclusion. It can also be called the condition of looking for clues from our experience to decide what the author meant in the text. 

Well, there is certainly a way to use these inferences. It is quite simple, namely by :

a. Observing, re-reading existing facts and evidence.

b. Looking for relationships between facts and evidence.

c. Using our prior knowledge and experience to connect facts and evidence.

d. Finding the conclusion. 

Then we will discuss the types of inferences, what are they?

1. Deductive inferences are the process of inferring specific information. Deductive inference involves the application of general rules and specific principles. It is often used in logic and mathematical reasoning.

2. Inductive inferences are broad generalizations based on the information obtained. This process is commonly used in research, everyday observations, and science.

3. Abductive inference is the process of making the most reasonable inference based on existing evidence. This process is often used in science. Abductive allows one to create the most likely explanation.

4. Indirect inference refers to the statistical method of inference.

Now we can conclude, in reading or writing techniques, this method of "Making Inference" is important to help us infer from our written work. Supporting our conclusions to be logical by gathering facts and evidence from the knowledge we have and based on our experiences. 

So that's a brief explanation of making inferences, if you have any questions, please comment below! I will be happy to answer. Thank you ✌
