Previewing in speed reading technique

Hello everyone, aka readers! ^-^ 

for your information this is my first article or writing in the blog and this time, I will share my experience of studying courses with reading and writing material for general communication. For reading material, my lecturer shared material about reading techniques or can be called speed reading, one of which is "previewing". What does previewing mean? Let's discuss!

You guys are usually lazier to read long and complicated texts or news, right? but you also want to know the meaning and essence of the text. Relax guys, previewing can be the right reading technique for solutions like this. Previewing is a reading technique that involves taking steps to get an overview or key information from a text without reading the whole thing. This can include reading headings, subheadings, initial paragraphs, and key points in the text to get the gist of the material. Previewing helps determine whether the text is relevant or needs further reading.

After learning the purpose or definition of previewing, of course we must apply it in reading a long text or it can also be by reading some news to find out the important points of the text or news.

So, i took some news from the internet which is about a child who gave a birthday surprise to his mother who works at a fast-food restaurant, KFC. Actually, the story or incident is in video form, but we can still apply this previewing technique too.

This teenager from Malaysia went viral after showing his affection for his beloved mother, by giving a surprise birthday cake when the mother was actively working. In the viral video the mother appears to be working at a fast-food restaurant, KFC. Seen a boy wearing a black shirt carrying a cake, assisted by several of his friends. The boy wanted to surprise his mother who was having a birthday. The mother, who works as a cashier at KFC, seemed surprised to see her son's arrival. The mother immediately removed her mask and blew out the candles on the cake.

The teenager who lives in Malaysia is 16 years old and his name is Madi. Madi revealed that her mother has been actively working as a cashier at KFC Bandar Seri Putra for about nine years. So that was a touching story or news from Madi.

As for the message that we can take is that until when you still love our parents and remember important things such as the birthday of our parents, especially mothers.

So, the conclusion of the news if we take the point through the previewing technique is a boy who gives a birthday surprise to his mother with the help of his friends. Even though he was busy, to please his mother he remembered her birthday and gave her a surprise.

That's what previewing means in reading techniques and also examples of application in news or text. How about it guys? Is this previewing reading technique the right solution to overcome laziness in reading? Hopefully you understand and can apply this technique! Thank you for reading this article, bye and see you in the next article! ^-^
