Do you have a desire to become a good writer? What do you think are the main principles of a good and correct written work? Comment below! 
The main principle in writing a paper is paragraph unity. We will discuss the definition of unity in a paragraph, the strategies to achieve it, and its importance in writing.
The relationship between the sentences in a paragraph that make up a coherent group is called paragraph unity. That is, the connection between sentences within an idea. This includes sentence choice, structure, and the development of related ideas to present information that is easy to understand.

Within paragraph unity there are what are called components, what are they?
o Topic sentence. The first sentence that describes the main idea of a paragraph. Sometimes there is also the author's message in the main sentence.
o Supporting sentence. A sentence that provides information and main ideas to support the argument in the paragraph.
o Transitions. Words or phrases to connect ideas between sentences. The purpose is to make the flow of writing more organized and easier for the reader to understand.
What we will discuss next is how to achieve unity in a paragraph?
1. Proper word selection, with this the reader can understand that between sentences can be related or connected.
2. Sentence structure organization. We must order the sentences correctly and in detail to achieve coherence.
3. Importance of topic sentences. The importance of having precise and comprehensible topic sentences can also achieve paragraph unity.
4. Attention to sentence beginings and endings. The connection between the last sentence and the first sentence is part of being coherent.
5. Consistent idea development. Improve the consistency of ideas in writing. Do not write half and half and irregularly. Read and write more so that you can get more ideas in your experience.  
In this paragraph unity there is a positive impact, berikit this is the explanation!
a. Smooth flow of thought. We can look back and remember our experiences as knowledge to increase the smoothness of thinking in writing an idea.
b. Intertextual cohesion. After understanding what is in paragraph unity, we can know whether the sentences we make are coherent or not. We can know which sentences are structured.
c. Increase readability. By understanding paragraph unity, we can increase our enjoyment of reading.
d. Higher persuasiveness. Getting a lot of ideas when making sentences because we get fluent thinking and increase persuasive power. 
e. Improved writing quality. By making sentences we can write more often so that the quality of our writing becomes better.
Write often even if you are still learning, it will be a good habit when you understand all the structures in writing, especially paragraph unity. 😇
Okay, this is enough explanation about paragraph unity material from me. Hopefully it will be useful !
