How to Understanding Main idea?

Hello readers! welcome back to my blog.
After discussing the material "Making Inference" then in this article I will discuss about "Understanding Main Idea", guys. Are you curious what understanding main idea is? If you remember before this material I discussed topic sentences which are related to this main idea.

So, what is a main idea? Main idea is the main point or main idea of a paragraph. It includes the key information from the writer. The writer usually repeats this main idea in the sentence to reinforce the message. The main idea is often discussed in the first statement located at the beginning of the paragraph or opening sentence.

To easily understand this main idea, we can use several strategies, namely:
1. Estimating content, estimating the content of the reading from the knowledge we have. This can help connect all the sentences in a paragraph. 
2. Scanning and skimming. This is the simplest strategy. We can look for specific information and summarize a long text to find the main idea.
3. SQ3R: survey, question, read, recite and review. This strategy is the easiest to apply and the most effective because it covers many important aspects of understanding the main idea.

Understanding the main idea also has its benefits, namely, helping to understand the core message and purpose of the author, helping to understand the topic of the sentence, helping effective communication, being able to think critically and summarize the text specifically.
So that's the understanding main idea material that I can explain. If you have any questions, please comment below! Thank you and see you in the next article 💂
