The order and arrangement of sentences in a paragraph helps us understand the content of the passage. We can also identify and develop sentences that have been arranged correctly to make conclusions. So in this article I will discuss about what is the meaning of "Order in the paragraph"? Let's discuss!

Order in the paragraph is an arrangement and sequence of sentences or information according to the writer's purpose. It includes the organization of ideas so that they form a logical structure in the information sentence. The order in the paragraph can help the reader understand the message that the writer wants to convey easily. There are several types of order in the paragraph that we will discuss, what are they? 

a. Time order paragraph.

Describes time conditions, discusses facts in order of occurrence, expresses terms in the past, present, and future. It uses expressions like, future, now, once, soon, then, and finally. Time order also tells about history.

b. The space order paragraph.

It is used to describe people, places, and things. Space order also describes a certain point. To indicate position and direction such as next to, on, over, here, inside, under, in front of.

c. Logical sequence.

Discusses the logical and cohesive arrangement of ideas and information or coherences. Each sentence in the paragraph is constructed in a way that the reader can easily understand how it relates from one point to another. It also helps build an argument and convey information in a logical way. 

d. Inductive order.

Explaining specific sentences for general and using supporting details for topic sentences.

e. Definition order.

Explains the word in the sentence and the topic idea specifically and clearly.

So, that's all I can explain about order in paragraphs. I hope you understand and if you have any questions, please comment below 💃 Thank you and see you in the next article !
