What is the author's true purpose?

Hello readers! welcome back to my another article. This time I will share the material "Interpreting the Author's Purpose".

The meaning of the sentence is to interpret the author's intent and purpose of creating scientific works. It includes the reasons for word choice, language structure, understanding the meaning of sentences, and absorbing the message that the author wants to convey. The sentence structure used by the author is also important to understand the meaning of the whole sentence.

Every writer has their own characteristics in their essay or article. These characteristics are also called the writing style. Language style affects the reader's impression of the information conveyed by the writer in his scientific work.

1. There are writers who use various examples, but there are also writers who only use one example.

2. Some writers use short sentences, but other writers may use relatively long sentences.

3. There are writers who organize topic sentences so that they are easy to find, while there are also writers who make topic sentences difficult to find because they are complicated.

The attitude or feeling the writer expresses about the subject so that the reader can easily understand is called tone. The following are examples of differences in tone.

1. Instructive

Example: When purchasing a piece of clothing, one must be concerned with quality as well as with price. Be sure to check for the following: double-stitched seams, matched patterns, and ample linings.

2. Sympathetic

Example: The forlorn, frightened-looking child wandered through the streets alone, searching for someone who would show an interest in helping her find her parents.

3. Persuasive

Example: Child abuse is a tragic occurrence in our society. Strong legislation is needed to control the abuse of innocent victims.

Tone can be easily identified by looking at the choice of words and phrases. If we want to understand the tone of the passage we also have to decide whether it is abstract, specific, concrete or general. We can also identify an author's description of setting, events, and characters. 

One important feature that must be present in an essay or article is language. This language is used by the writer to distinguish between different types of language. What are they? The first is subjective language and the second is objective language. Then, here are the types of writer's purpose:

1. Informative

The purpose of informative or explanatory writing is to provide clear and objective information about a topic without expressing personal opinions.

2. Persuasive

The aim of persuasive writing is to persuade readers to support a particular argument or point of view.

3. Entertainment

The goal of entertainment writing is to provide an enjoyable experience for the readers through the use of creative elements such as stories, humor, or compelling narratives.

4. Expressive

Expressive writing involves conveying the thoughts, feelings, or personal experiences of the author.

5. Instructive

The purpose of instructive writing is to provide instructions or practical guidance on how to do something, offering useful information to the readers.

6. Descriptive

Descriptive writing involves portraying or explaining an object, event, or situation in a detailed and manner.

7. Analytical

The goal of analytical writing is to analyze and evaluate a subject sharply and critically, dissecting its elements and relationships.

8. Response/Reaction

The purpose of response or reaction is to respond to or react to another work, event, or idea, often involving personal views or responses.

So, the conclusion of "Interpreting the Author's Purpose" refers to the author's intention or motive in creating a written work. It involves analyzing the word choice, sentence structure, and organization of information in the text to identify whether the author aims to inform, persuade, entertain, express, instruct, describe, analyze, or respond. understanding the author's purpose is key to gaining a deeper understanding of the text.

That's the material that I can convey, hopefully it can be understood and if there are questions comment below, I will be happy to answer 😎

Thank you for reading readers!
